About Us

Rover Rescue is a network of volunteer foster homes. We are a totally volunteer organization; no paid staff. We do not have a central shelter.  There is no application to complete.  All you need to do to meet a dog is to contact the person listed at the end of the dog’s biography which is usually the foster home.  This person will help you decide if the dog would be a good match for your family and if so then set up a time for your family to meet the dog.

Foster Program

Interested in providing a loving home for dogs waiting for adoption? All vetting and supplies are covered by Rover Rescue. You provide the time and care.

If you'd like to learn more about fostering and how to start the process, check out the Fostering FAQs.


Rover Rescue is always in need of certain items. If you'd like to donate something, check out our wish list.

Events View All Events

Pet Supplies Plus in Montgomery – Adoption Event
October 26 @ 12:00 pm

Please join us at this adoption event from Noon to 2pm.   This is inside the store.  Bring the whole family,…

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PetSmart in Geneva – Adoption Event
November 2 @ 12:00 pm

Please join us at this adoption event.  Even if you are not looking for a new family member, you can…

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Follow Your Heart Nonprofit & Entrepeneur Fair
November 2 @ 12:00 pm

Rover Rescue will be here answering questions about volunteer opportunities.  Would you like more information about being a dog/puppy foster…

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Portillo’s in Batavia – Rover Eats Out Restaurant Fundraiser
November 6 @ 5:00 pm

Join us at Portillo's from 5pm to 8pm and be sure to mention Rover Rescue when ordering and paying.  Drive…

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